Mount Holly Traffic Violation Attorney
Nearly all drivers have encountered a potential traffic violation being put on their record at one time or another. From a simple speeding ticket to driving with a suspended license, traffic violations are one of the most common offenses across the country. Because there is a high probability of getting a traffic violation at some point, get to know an experienced defense lawyer, such as those on our team at the Law Firm of Brent D. Ratchford, that is ready to help you if and when you find yourself contesting a traffic violation.

The Law Firm of Brent D. Ratchford: Mount Holly’s Defense Lawyers
At the Law Firm of Brent D. Ratchford, our practice is founded on a commitment to our clients. With over two decades of experience in criminal defense and involvement in countless traffic violation cases, we are more than prepared to try and help you through your own unique situation. Criminal charges and violations on your record can be intimidating, which is why we offer our services for a variety of different legal areas. With our attorneys, there is no judgment. Our team has handled cases with both small and massive consequences, all of which we were dedicated to fighting for to the best of our ability. Whether you are a resident of Mount Holly or you were just passing through, don’t hesitate to see how our team can help you with traffic violations in North Carolina.
What Are Traffic Violations?
Commonly referred to as moving traffic violations, a traffic violation occurs when the driver of a vehicle in operation does not follow the laws of the road. There are multiple forms of traffic violations, all of which vary in degree of severity. They include:
- Speeding Violations Speeding offenses are some of the most common traffic violations that occur, and they can come in multiple forms. General speeding over the posted limit, speeding in a school zone, speeding in a construction work zone, and attempting to race another driver are all different types of speeding violations in Mount Holly with varying consequences. In North Carolina, like many other states, there is a point system in place for minor moving traffic violations such as speeding. With each offense, the driver receives a certain number of points on their license depending on how fast they were speeding or the severity of their offense. Speeding violations and points on your record can increase your insurance payments in addition to whatever fees you may already have to pay for a speeding ticket.
- Reckless Driving North Carolina has a bit of a vague definition regarding reckless driving in its legislation. This is because reckless driving can encompass a wide range of dangerous activities and is often up to the discretion of the law officer to decide. Simply put, reckless driving is the act of driving carelessly or “recklessly” with disregard for other people’s safety and the posted laws. Reckless driving can look like speeding well over the posted limit, ignoring traffic laws like running red lights, illegally passing, and more. If you are charged with reckless driving as a misdemeanor, you could receive a fine and even jail time.
- Driving With a License Restriction It is illegal to operate a vehicle in the state of North Carolina if you do not have a valid license. If you are pulled over for a traffic violation with a suspended license, revoked license, or license restriction that you are disregarding, the consequences can be severe. For example, driving with a revoked license and being pulled over could result in a misdemeanor charge and even jail time. For cases involving driving with a license restriction, having an expert attorney will help your defense immensely.
- DWIs DWIs are more serious traffic violations that can result in drastic penalties. A DWI, otherwise known as a “driving while intoxicated” charge, occurs when a driver is operating a vehicle and is well over the legal blood alcohol limit (BAC) of 0.08%. North Carolina is known for implementing strict consequences for those who decide to drink and drive in hopes that they won’t do it again. Because of this, fines, jail time, and other potential penalties are more severe. Fines can reach upwards of $1,000; jail time can change depending on the circumstances of your case.
- Ignoring General Rules of the Road Traffic violations cover a broad range of activities, many of which can be categorized as disregarding the laws of the road. General rules are made for a reason, most of them to promote the safety of everyone who is on the road. Running a stop sign, running a red light, making an illegal U-turn, and not buckling up all fall under offenses of general driving laws and can result in a traffic violation.

Potential Consequences of Traffic Violations
If you are found guilty of committing a traffic violation, your penalty will be largely dependent on the type of violation with which you are being charged. Some of the most common consequences you might see with traffic violations in Mount Holly include:
- Points on License As mentioned above, points on a driver’s license are a common penalty for minor traffic violations in North Carolina. The point system works this way: if a driver gets a certain number of points on their record, they may have their license revoked or restrictions added to it. For example, if a driver is to receive 12 points or more within a three-year period, their license may be suspended.
- Fines Fines are a commonly implemented penalty both on their own and in addition to other consequences in some cases. A basic speeding ticket will carry a fine, and a DWI will garner a large fine if charged. Regardless of the size of the fine with which you may be dealing, having a lawyer experienced against these kinds of penalties can help you combat unfair fees.
- License Restrictions License restrictions can come in multiple forms. For example, a driver that has been charged with reckless driving at night multiple times may receive a curfew on their license that only allows them to operate a vehicle between the hours of 5:00 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. Other restrictions include having your license suspended for a certain period of time which would not allow you to operate a vehicle legally at all.
- Jail Time Whether or not you receive jail time for your traffic violation depends on whether or not it is classified as a minor offense, a misdemeanor, or a felony. Both felonies and misdemeanors do have the potential to implement jail time for the defendant if charged.
Why You Need a Traffic Violation Lawyer
When it comes to any legal circumstances, it is much more difficult to attempt to represent yourself than to hire an attorney that you can trust. Some of the benefits that come along with hiring an expert attorney from a trusted law firm include:
- Strong Defense At the Law Firm of Brent D. Ratchford, we specialize not only in traffic violations but in criminal defense. This allows us to help all of our clients create strong defenses for whatever their case may be. In addition to having a strong defense, a lawyer is able to confidently represent you in trial with their vast experience in the law. They can help create a defense unique to you and your situation and fight for the best outcome possible for you.
- Navigate You Through Legal Proceedings Any legal case can be complicated, especially for people who haven’t been involved in many of them. Hiring an experienced traffic violations or criminal defense attorney can assist immensely when you’re trying to navigate through the different legal proceedings of your case. Your lawyer is familiar with the many types of legal environments you may have to be in and can help you not only understand them but help you know what to do in them as well.
- Broad Knowledge of the Law An attorney’s knowledge of the law is one of their biggest draws for getting hired. Local, state, and federal laws are vast and contain extensive details. A lawyer knows the ins and outs of these laws and is able to use their knowledge to figure out a way to best represent you. Without a lawyer, it can be incredibly difficult to understand the different legislation you can use to try and fight your case properly.
FAQs About Mount Holly, NC Traffic Violation Law
How Do You Get Points Removed from Your Driving Record?
Points can be removed in certain numbers when a driver demonstrates safe driving for an extended period of time, most often around 12 months. In NC, you can also request an improvement hearing to assess your driving and have points removed.
Will a Ticket Affect Your Insurance?
If you receive a ticket that adds points to your insurance, you can expect to see an increase in your payments as well.
How Do You Get a Copy of Your Driver’s Record?
You can request to get a copy of your driving record through your local North Carolina DMV, either online or in person.
How Much Does a Traffic Lawyer Cost?
The price of your attorney will depend on the ticket or traffic violation you are dealing with. If you’re interested in learning more about our rates, schedule a consultation with us for your case.
Mount Holly’s Expert Traffic Violation Attorneys
Traffic violations can be intimidating, especially if you’ve been charged with them before. Luckily, our team of attorneys at the Law Firm of Brent D. Ratchford understand just how complicated traffic violations can be. If you or someone you know have had a traffic violation in the Mount Holly area, don’t hesitate to contact our attorneys to see how we may be able to assist your case.
Contact The Law Firm of Brent D. Ratchford Today
I have more than 25 years of experience representing clients in North Carolina traffic courts. Contact my law firm by email or at 704-868-3434 for a free initial consultation. I stand prepared to do all I can to minimize the negative effects of a drunk driving charge or traffic violation on your life.