Criminal charges in Stanley, NC of any kind have the potential to severely impact a person’s future. In addition to imprisonment and heavy fines, a conviction will carry a permanent record that can limit a person’s ability to pursue educational and career opportunities and can hurt both relationships and reputations.
No matter the circumstances of your case, if you’ve been charged with a criminal offense, you have the right to a fair case. Everyone should be presumed innocent unless and until proven otherwise. If you are facing criminal charges of any kind, partner with a Stanley criminal defense lawyer today.
Brent D. Ratchford and this team do not take criminal matters lightly. In fact, he has more than 25 years of experience defending clients in and around Stanley, NC, and its surrounding areas. In that time, he and his team have built a reputation among the judges for successfully defending otherwise good people in admittedly bad situations. As a leading criminal defense attorney, Brent D. Ratchford knows the North Carolina criminal law system and Gaston County legal community inside and out.
When choosing The Law Firm of Brent D. Ratchford, clients can work directly with Brent D. Ratchford as he handles each and every case. Whatever your charges, no criminal case is too difficult to take on and defend. Our team won’t let you be stigmatized or treated unfairly simply for being charged. We can work tirelessly to secure the most favorable outcome, whether that is a reduction in charges or a complete dismissal of the case.
A criminal offense is a violation of any state or federal crime. In North Carolina, you can be charged with a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the severity of the offense. The Law Firm of Brent D. Ratchford defends clients accused of committing a wide range of criminal offenses, including:
No matter the circumstances or severity of your alleged offense, our criminal defense team can take on your case and diligently work through every detail to lead you to the most favorable outcome, leading to a reduction or dismissal of charges wherever possible. If you’ve been charged with any one of these or another criminal offense, reach out to The Law Firm of Brent D. Ratchford right away.
A criminal offense can be classified as either a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the details and severity of the offense. The following minimum and maximum sentences apply to each conviction:
While hiring an experienced and qualified attorney is a significant financial investment, the cost of proceeding in your case without a proper defense team could be a lot more severe. Without a skilled criminal defense lawyer, you are at a greater risk of receiving a conviction, which can lead to heavy penalties, such as jail time and fines.
By partnering with a skilled and qualified criminal defense attorney, you increase your chances of avoiding a conviction, as an experienced criminal defense lawyer:
When facing something as serious as a criminal charge, ensuring that you procure the right legal team is crucial to mounting an effective defense and potentially reducing your charges.
It is not the criminal defense lawyer’s job to conclude their client’s guilt in any offense. However, if their client admits to guilt, the defense attorney is still able to defend them by arguing against the presented evidence and demonstrating its insufficiency in proving beyond a reasonable doubt that their client committed the offense. So long as they do not lie, intentionally mislead the court, or promote a defense inconsistent with the confession, they are acting ethically in their representation.
Eyewitness testimony is the most valuable tool for defense attorneys. When the eyewitnesses are children, they are the most reliable. By analyzing the evidence of the offense and reviewing eyewitness accounts and video footage, your defense attorney can develop an appropriate defense strategy that challenges the evidence presented against you. Solid witness testimony denouncing the guilt of their client is one of the more powerful tools at a defense attorney’s disposal.
Criminal lawyers will each charge differing rates depending on their experience level, success rate, and the complexity of the case itself. In North Carolina, this tends to average out at about $131 per hour. Less experienced lawyers will generally charge less. However, though hiring a lawyer with greater experience can represent a more significant financial investment, it will generally save you in the long term by avoiding conviction, saving you heavy fines, jail time, and a conviction on your record.
You could potentially get your charges dropped in North Carolina by challenging the legality of the evidence presented against you. If there is insufficient evidence to sustain all of the charges, or if the evidence obtained was illegally gathered, you can motion for the case to be dismissed prior to any court hearings. If you work with a skilled defense attorney, they can help you understand your rights and explore what available options there are that you can pursue.
If you have been accused of a criminal offense, no matter how minor or how severe, it is highly recommended you partner with a skilled criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. Our comprehensive experience with nearly every criminal charge, knowledge of the court processes, personal dedication, and non-judgmental approach to each client are all major contributors to what makes the team at The Law Firm of Brent D. Ratchford your choice for effective criminal defense representation. Contact our office today for a free consultation regarding the details of your case.